You’re probably here because you’re exhausted to the bone (the word tired doesn’t even come close). And you know your baby must be, too. Your baby is either refusing sleep altogether, only sleeping in your arms, or waking up all through the night. Their naps are short or nonexistent.
Lack of sleep tends to leave us feeling not like ourselves mentally or physically. Sleep deprivation is a well-known torture method! I know when I was sleep-deprived after my first was born, I began to question my sanity and lose my grip on reality.
It’s also common for people who are struggling with a baby who won’t sleep to have extra marital strife - maybe you and your partner are fighting over who gets up with the baby next. Maybe there’s conflict because the baby just ends up in bed with you in the middle of the night, and one or both of you isn’t comfortable with it. You feel guilty that the whole house has been losing sleep, but aren’t sure how to make it better!
Your or your partner’s job performance is suffering due to sleep deprivation. It’s impossible to be at the top of your game running on 2, 3, or 4 hours of broken sleep.
Maybe you feel ashamed, incompetent, and hopeless for “failing” at something as simple as sleep. What is it all of our mothers/aunts/friends say? The baby will sleep eventually? You haven’t gotten a full night of sleep since before your baby was born and can’t imagine going on like this another week, much less months or years!
There IS hope.
Imagine your baby going to sleep and staying asleep easily all throughout the night. After a relaxing bedtime routine, you give snuggles and kisses and say, “I love you. Goodnight, my sweet. I’ll see you in the morning.” Your baby gets comfortable and closes their eyes for restful sleep as you close the door.
You have so much more peace and confidence as a parent! You know you’re doing what is best for your baby by helping them get adequate rest. Your daily routine offers you the flexible predictability you crave.
The FREEDOM you experience now is so liberating! You are no longer tied to the baby, unable to go anywhere because you never know when they’re going to get cranky and need to sleep. You no longer skip showers and other basic self-care because you’re trapped under a baby all evening. You can go on date nights with your partner!
When your baby and you are sleeping adequately, you feel like yourself again. You wake up refreshed and energetic.
I know this sounds like the kind of life that happens to OTHER people. People who have “good’ babies. But I promise you - we can get you there.
With our in-home sleep training package, your sleep coach gives you and your baby plenty of guidance, space, and time to learn the skills necessary for falling asleep independently. Our in-person sleep training support is the only service of its kind in Louisiana. While your sleep trainer is there in your home, she gives you the confidence you need to know that your baby is capable and cared for.
Your Mommywise Certified Pediatric Sleep Coach will help you tune into your baby’s habits vs. needs, change their sleep associations, respond thoughtfully instead of react automatically, read your baby’s cues, and distinguish their cries. She will guide you and make decisions with you moment by moment to customize the plan based on your and your baby’s individual needs.
No book, article, blog post, or advice can comfort you and guide you in the moment like we can. We ground you and nurture you through the process. We invite you to take the time we are there watching over your baby to sleep, shower, or do whatever makes you feel taken care of and comfortable.
Our 4 weeks of follow-up support and coaching calls makes SURE you stay confident and know what to do throughout all the things that come up...schedule changes, illnesses, teething, travel, etc.
Our customized coaching gets your baby falling asleep and staying asleep independently as quickly and easily as possible. We get to know your baby, assess where you are right now, listen to what you want to change, and give you the bridge to get from here to there. The reason we can individualize your plan better than any other service is because we live *in your home with you, observing your baby and making moment-by-moment adjustments and decisions with you* for 3 days.
We don’t do the training FOR you because that would not serve you or your baby. Rather, we coach/guide ALONGSIDE you so you build the confidence and knowledge you need to get back on track after the inevitable upsets that happen throughout infancy, toddlerhood, and early childhood. Our 4 weeks of follow up coaching ensures your success.
The features of our program include:
48 or 72 hours of in-home support. No second-guessing what to do at 3 a.m.
Tools for staying on track after trips, illnesses, and teething
Lifelong skills - your baby will have the tools to be a good sleeper for life.
Learn to read your baby: asses their habits vs. needs, attune to their cues
4 weeks of follow up coaching calls so you can overcome anything that comes up
Your success and satisfaction is guaranteed. It’s our priority.
The benefits you’ll experience from working with us include:
Feel confident in the skill you’re helping your baby learn
Get your life back!
Reconnect with your partner
Regain your freedom - to leave the house, to let someone else put the baby down to sleep, to plan your day, to take care of yourself (knowing your baby is taken care of)
Get your bedroom back
This can work for you!
If you’ve read every book and tried every method, you may be thinking, “This all sounds great, but I know it won’t work for MY baby.” I know it seems hopeless. I know it feels like your baby is the ONE baby that nothing will work for. You’ve resigned to just waiting 18 years for your next full night of sleep.
We can help you. The books and methods don’t know you, your situation, your baby, or even the layout of your home. They aren’t there with you, encouraging you through the process and answering those, “What do I do now?” questions in the middle of the night, for early morning wakings, or towards the ends of naps.
Our method doesn’t just give you a rigid schedule and inflexible, one-size-fits-all advice. We are there in person observing your baby, making sure their needs are met, and making sure you, the parent, don’t feel lost in the process.
We guarantee your success and satisfaction. We make sure we can help you by asking you all the right questions BEFORE we accept payment. If your situation falls outside of our ability to help, we will let you know upfront.